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Support During IVF Treatments


Undergoing infertility treatment can be challenging and stressful.  It can have a significant impact on your life from your physical health and emotional wellbeing, your partner and family, to your work. It is not uncommon to struggle with any one of these areas and when several are effected, the combined stress can be overwhelming.  


Hormonal fluctuations and adjustments can increase sensitivity, this can add further tension during these already sensitive and vulnerable times, when ideally you would prefer to be relaxed, positive and calm.


Through Shushila’s own personal experience of infertility and treatments, she brings a wealth of understanding and offers support to women and/or partners whilst they embark on their own journey . Shushila approach is loving, tender and nurturing, she will assist you to unpack and understand the things that can potentially sabotage the process. She has a settled and steady presence that is reassuring to her clients and helps them to focus on growing their family and conceiving in a deeply loving and nurturing way.


Accepting Future Life Decisions Support


For many women and their partners, despite perhaps having tried infertility treatments, they have made the decision not to pursue this further. For some it has been a painful time, buried it and have not or dare not go there, deafening moments. For others live with regrets wishing they had done this or done that.


Whatever your reasons which are personal to you and/or your partner. Shushila brings understanding and gives you the opportunity and the space to express, share those words or things that was not possible at that time. She feels these painful things need to be healed and out of your body, instead of allowing it to fester and hold you prisoners for the rest of your life.


To Book an Appointment 


To book a counselling session, please contact Shushila on 0421 383 329

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